In male patients, it is important to preserve the masculine appearance when performing rhinoplasty surgery. Generally, the tip of the nose should not be raised and thinned so much (it is rarely done now because it disrupts the naturalness even in female patients). The angle between the nose and lip is 105 degrees for women and 90 degrees for men.
In general, obtaining a smaller nose, keeping the height strong, and good projection gives a more natural and positive result.
Male patients can sometimes only complain about the nasal arch, dropping of the tip of the nose or the width of the nasal apertures. Correcting only this part can be enough for them. The female nose has an aesthetic shape that can be defined and desired with proportions, and all areas required to reach that shape should be intervened.
In some male patients, the main motivation for nasal surgery may be to breathe better, the physical appearance-related demands may be due to secondary changes that occured after the trauma leading to the breathing problem.
In middle-aged and older men, the body image is usually in place, and making very remarkable changes can make the patient unhappy. Conversely, it may be a better option to make conservative but significant changes in a patient who is in adolescence and who is not at peace with his / her nose as a genetic inheritance.